It’s not just about having the money; owning a home means going through a decision making process, talking to various people, accomplishing forms, and many more. It’s a big and difficult decision because it could be the most expensive and emotionally taxing purchase of your life. But with careful planning and persistence, you can be one step away from your dream home. 

So the question is, how to buy a house for the first time?

The Purchase Decision

It's crucial to think about if homeownership is suited for you before entering the buyer pool.

>> MORE: Before Buying a Home, Get Your Finances in Order

To Rent Or To Buy?

The first question you ask yourself when looking for a real estate in Indiana to reside will influence the remainder of your decision-making. Should you purchase your own home or rent it? The ability to develop wealth and eliminate rising rent may make buying appear thrilling. Regular home maintenance and repairs, though, can quickly empty a cash account.

The greatest option for you will generally depend on your particular circumstances, whether you should rent or buy.

Here are some fundamental queries to take into account when considering purchasing a home:

happy couple holding a key after buying a home

Another aspect to take into account is that the current housing market is among the most competitive in recent memory due to record-high prices and record-low inventories.

Buyers should be prepared to submit numerous offers as they may need to offer more than the home is listed for, often by hundreds of dollars more, in order to have their offer approved.

>> MORE: 9 Advantages Of Buying A Home Over Renting

What Size Home Can I Afford? 

Look closely at your budget to evaluate how much you can afford to spend on a property. Analyze your bank records and spending patterns from the last few months to see how much you are spending on everything from telephone bills to streaming services to your weekly take away from the restaurant. 

Homeownership is more accessible than ever, thanks to the pandemic. Mortgage interest rates currently hover around 3 percent, which is very close to a record low. These rates add up to significant savings over a 30-year loan if you can qualify for one.

Decide how much you want to set aside for a monthly mortgage payment once you have a better understanding of your spending patterns. This quantity represents your monthly mortgage payment, which consists of your principal, interest, tax, and insurance payments.

Numerous lenders advise using no more than 31% of your monthly income for housing payments, according to the Federal Housing Administration formula. The amount of debt you have will affect this figure. Budgeting up to 40% of monthly income for a home may be possible for buyers without any other debt. Overall, your total debt-to-income ratio, including car payments and credit card bills, should not be higher than 43% (but bear in mind that the remainder of your budget will need to be allocated for heat, water, electricity, regular home maintenance, and food).

But keep in mind that, in addition to the mortgage, purchasing a home also entails one-time costs that can quickly mount, such as closing costs, legal fees, and other costs related to the transaction, such as a property inspection. Not to mention relocation costs and house renovations. 

The housing market is so competitive that many purchasers are now preferring to forego contingencies to have their offers accepted, raising the stakes financially for new homeowners as a result of the pandemic. Buyers have a way out with contingencies in case of unforeseen circumstances. They provide you the option to terminate transactions if an independent house assessor determines that the home's value is far below the purchase price or to renegotiate deals if an inspector determines that significant home repairs are necessary. If buyers are unable to secure financing promptly, a mortgage contingency allows them to back out of the deal. Additionally, if selling your current home is necessary for you to purchase the new one, you should condition your offer on doing so.

To learn more about the home process, call us at (317) 298-0961 so we can assist you!

We are going to be halfway into the year, but we bet it's never too late to share with you our predictions for Indiana's real estate market this 2023. 

We know a lot of people are interested to know this so if you're one of them, sit back, relax, and keep on reading.

Indiana & Northwest Indiana Housing Market Statistics For 2020–2021

It's no secret that house prices in Indiana have risen in recent years. Let's find out more about this increase from 2020 to the present along with some observations regarding what is causing the state's home prices to rise so quickly.

Home Prices In Indiana

In Indiana, rising property prices have been a consistent trend in the real estate market. Over the past three years, home prices have risen all over the state. 

Indiana's average house sale price rose 7.9% from 2021 to 2023 on a state-wide basis. Additionally, there are larger increases in some regions. More crowded places tend to have higher appreciation rates. 

Northwest Indiana is one of the state's markets that is growing the fastest, with a significant increase in the number of homes for sale. Home prices in Northwest Indiana climbed by 11% in 2020, 10% in 2021, and 7% in 2023.

Real Estate In Indiana

Indiana property values are rising as a result of various factors. The demographic problem comes first. During the past ten years, Indiana has seen an increase of 340,000 residents. Indiana's steady economy, low levels of crime, and low taxation draw people there.

The housing market is under strain due to two additional population challenges. The first is that there are more people aged 25 to 35 than ever before. For Indiana's housing market to be stimulated, this age group is crucial. Second, there are now more individuals living alone than ever before. We consequently require additional homes, as a result.

The absence of development and new home construction over the previous ten years is the second problem. The building of new homes plunged dramatically following the Great Recession of the Aughts (the decade from 2000 to 2009). There were too many incoming buyers, but there were not enough homes built. 

Finally, the cost of housing is being impacted by the lack of infrastructure expansion. Since it would be prohibitively expensive to expand a town's municipal water and sewer services, this is most common in small towns. Due to the low taxation, it is difficult for towns, particularly smaller ones, to grow. As a result, the few remaining residences are increasing in value. 

Commission Rates For Real Estate Agents In Indiana

One of the residential real estate market trends to watch is what real estate agents are charging for their fees. Real estate commission rates have stayed high in some markets and have lowered in others. The Northwest Indiana market seems to have seen the greatest reduction in real estate commission rates.

Real estate commission rates in other parts of the state, particularly around Indianapolis, are still higher and range from 5% to 7%. The market has managed to resist some of the more recent business concepts that have emerged. OK, up till now. 

real estate investment

Real Estate Trends And Predictions For Indiana 2023

Increase In Home Pricing

The first prediction for the 2023 real estate market is that property prices will continue to rise in 2023. The rate of appreciation year over year will be slower, though. In general, it is expected that Indiana home prices will rise between 3% and 6% between 2021 and 2023. Inflationary pressure and rising interest rates will be the main causes of this decline. Larger homes with lots of amenities could experience a decline in value. 

Housing Supply Will Slowly Develop

Another forecast for the housing market is an increase in inventory. Two years have passed since the COVID pandemic began. Therefore, the frequency of significant life events is probably already in motion. Changes in housing are brought on by significant life events, including those that tempt some homeowners to sell and others to acquire. 

At the end of the first quarter of 2023 compared to the end of the first quarter of 2021, we found that there were approximately 30% more homes for sale in Northwest Indiana. In 2023, new residential buildings will also increase significantly. Which brings us to our next forecast.

Increase In New Homes

An overall rise in the number of new homes for sale is another trend we'll observe in the real estate market in 2023. Housing starts in the US will significantly rise in 2023. Finally, opportunities for new construction are being seen by builders. Additionally, in 2023 many of the supply chain bottlenecks that hampered the industry in 2021 will be resolved. Building more homes will begin as home builders look to seize the chance that is presented to them. 

Demand In Rural Real Estate

More people going to more rural locations is one of the current real estate market trends that will persist in 2023. Nothing about COVID, city evacuations, or any of that is relevant to this. Truthfully, not many of those widely reported headlines actually occurred. Instead, the affordable home prices in rural towns and hamlets within a 30-minute drive of larger cities make them appealing.

Home prices are rising everywhere and inflation is at an all-time high, but wages are barely rising. Prospective homeowners looking for value. In quest of affordable homes, consumers will go from a 15-minute commute to a 30-minute one. Small towns of a few thousand people within 30 minutes of a city of 30,000 or 40,000 people will frequently have the highest appreciation rates. 

Quick Increase In Mortgage Interest

Another prediction for the real estate industry is that mortgage interest rates will rise and continue to be high compared to the previous 36 months. The first quarter of 2023 will see a sharp rise in mortgage rates. Highly qualified buyers may be able to obtain a mortgage in the threes by late 2021. It was in the low fives as the second quarter of 2023 got underway. This will significantly down property prices. The purchasers and sellers of properties in the top 20% of any local real estate market would suffer the most as a result of the high mortgage rates. 

Reset In Real Estate Tech

The newest dot-com startup that is set to upend the real estate sector is one of the current trends in the market. Numerous innovative tech real estate ideas were released in 2019 and 2020. There was a lot of chatter regarding iBuyers. There were also some other avant-garde concepts. Many fell short quickly. For others, it's amazing how few stories are making the news. 

The real estate broker is still in good health. Furthermore, we go above and beyond simply opening a door, writing an offer for 15 minutes, and collecting a commission. Big tech in real estate has realized this and is probably taking a step back to reconsider how to enter the sector.

More Negotiable Real Estate Commissions

The ability to negotiate real estate commission rates is one of our favorite residential real estate market trends to follow. Some real estate agents may be more flexible regarding their real estate commission rate if there are too many agents and not enough work. While it sounds valid, we hope that consumers will continue to be aware of what real estate agents actually do to help sell their homes.

What Buyers And Investors Should Do To Get Ready For The Real Estate Market Trend 2023?

Stop attempting to time the market, homebuyers. Market timing is extremely tough and will probably end up costing you more money in the long run. In addition, despite growing inflation and mortgage interest rates, it is unlikely that home values would drop too much in 2023. 

This year, obstacles will be faced by real estate investors. The price of money will first rise. Real estate investors will be impacted by rising interest rates, rising mortgage interest rates, and hard money lenders seeking a bigger return. Second, finding properties at competitive pricing will continue to be difficult for real estate investors. This is because there are still a lot of buyers competing for homes on the market. 

What Sellers Should Do To Get Ready For The Real Estate Market Trend 2023?

Homeowners should be ready for a change in the market in 2023. Home sellers will continue to benefit in early 2023. The second half of the year, though, will provide greater difficulties. A rise in housing inventory levels was visible by mid-2022. Additionally, the number of days that homes spend on the market has been rising in almost every market. As the market grows more difficult for house sellers, those who must sell their homes should be realistic in their expectations.

Selling in 2023 would certainly be preferable for homeowners seeking to time the market. In 2023, it's expected that housing appreciation rates will return to normal. If you're hoping for the next wave of fast appreciation to happen, reconsider. Even though demand is still high, prices have decreased due to high inflation and rising mortgage interest rates.

The Indiana Real Estate Market in 2023 will conclude Through 2023, the Indiana real estate market will be stable. The momentum shown in the rest of the United States will be followed by the Indiana real estate market. However, Indiana is a resilient state; fluctuations that happen elsewhere in the nation also occur here, but not as intensely. It's a lighter swing, to put it another way.

The same issues affecting real estate in many other parts of the country are present in Indiana. Particularly, there aren't enough suitable homes for today's homebuyers. There are tens of millions of Americans between the ages of 25 and 35 who are great homebuying candidates. Indiana's age distribution is comparable to that of other states. The eager and willing homebuyers will prevent the Indiana housing market from collapsing. 

If you're looking for a new place in Indiana, our team at RE/MAX Advanced Realty is here to help!

Call us at 317-298-0961 or click this link to know more.

Indiana real estate agents are accustomed to the bizarre, humorous, and downright odd. Whether it's a client using "creative" bargaining tactics or unexpected wildlife on a home tour, there are lots of humorous events that occur every day in real estate. But why stop at just anecdotes when there are so many things that happen every day that we can all laugh at? Here is a list of seven humorous incidents that all real estate professionals—real estate agents, brokers, and even some buyers—have encountered at least once. Let's check out each incident to see what makes it so funny.

1. Discovering The Seller Is Unprepared For A Listing Appointment When You Arrive

Finding out that a possible seller does not know how anything in the real estate business works, not even how to get their house ready for sale, when you go to meet with them can be a humorous situation.

2. The Attempt To Define The Distinction Between A "Home Tour" And An "Open House"

It can rapidly get complicated and funny to explain the differences between these two terms because many customers need assistance doing so.

3. Dealing With Purchasers Who Believe They Are Real Estate Experts

Some clients may believe their real estate expertise is so wide that they are capable of doing your duties more effectively than you. Observing these buyers' attempts to outwit the experts is always interesting!

>> MORE: 8 Signs You’re A Real Estate Agent - #4 Is Our Favorite!

4. When A Client Is Adamant About Seeing Every House In A Neighborhood, Even Ones That Aren't On The Market

This may be quite a comical sight, especially when their excitement wanes from too many property viewings.

5. Having Unwelcome Wildlife Guests At An Open House Or Home Tour

There have undoubtedly been more occasions than we'd like to admit when animals have wandered into open houses or stopped by for a peep during home tours. Luckily, most clients just laugh at what happened.

real estate smiling shaking hands with clients

6. At The Closing Table, There Were Tough Negotiations Between The Buyer And Seller

With outrageously original proposals, counteroffers, and verbal sparring, both parties may become so engrossed in the negotiation process that it becomes humorous.

7. Keeping A Straight Face When Clients Say Something Bizarre At A Meeting

Everybody has a story of a client who said something hilarious or absurd, and the impulse to laugh is frequently unbearable! Any situation when you have to fight the urge to smile is hilarious!


These are just a few of the humorous incidents that real estate brokers encounter regularly. There are always surprises in this line of work, from uninvited visitors at open houses to heated discussions at closing tables. These instances may be hilarious, but they also serve as a reminder of how much realtors enjoy their work and how devoted they are to giving their clients the best possible service. After all, a good laugh occasionally is all that's required to seal the deal on a purchase!

The following time you find yourself as a buyer or agent in a humorous circumstance, keep in mind that everyone experiences these moments; therefore, embrace them rather than trying to escape them. Who knows, you might even come up with some interesting tales along the road.

When buying or selling a house, using a professional real estate agent can help you make wise choices and prevent expensive errors.

The good news is that the real estate industry is big. Realtors are everywhere. A quick online search on Indiana real estate agents might lead you to hundreds of results. The challenge, however, is finding the right one for you!

Lucky you! We've gathered all the necessary details you might need when searching for the best realtor to help you.

Learn The Basics

It's beneficial to be familiar with some of the common terminologies used when buying or selling a home and what to anticipate from an agent before you begin your search.

What Is The Role Of A Real Estate Agent?

Real estate brokers assist buyers and sellers of homes. Agents inform their customers about the state of the market, walk them through every stage of the procedure, and refer them to other experts like home inspectors and real estate lawyers. The person they are representing in a real estate transaction determines the specific titles they have.

A buyer's agent assists purchasers in locating and exploring listed properties, crafting compelling offers, and negotiating with sellers.

A listing agent assists homeowners with setting a price, marketing, and negotiating with potential purchasers.

It is better to have someone who is only working for you. In some situations, an agent can represent both sides in a single transaction.

real estate agents looking at something

Real Estate Agent VS Realtor

Realtors are not all real estate agents. Realtors are National Association of Realtors members who hold a real estate license. Members commit to uphold the standards and code of ethics of the association.

All real estate agents are required to have a license in the states where they operate and to follow local, state, and federal rules. Agents must finish a set amount of study and pass an exam to obtain a license. To find out whether a specific agent is licensed, you may visit the website of your state's real estate commission.

>> MORE: Importance Of Using A Realtor When Building A New Home

Difference Between A Broker And A Real Estate Agent

A real estate broker has completed further training to advance from the agent level and obtain a real estate broker license. Brokers must pass an exam and finish the state-mandated courses to get licensed, much like agents. Brokers have the option of managing other real estate agents, working independently, or both.

>> MORE: Celebrites Who Are Also Real Estate Agent

How To Look For The Right Real Estate Agent

Find several potential agents by asking friends, family, and coworkers for recommendations. Visit the websites and online profiles of the agents, read about their qualifications and experience, and look through client testimonials.

Pick at least three agents to speak with, and ask them specific questions about how they would collaborate with you.

What To Ask Real Estate Agents As Buyers And Sellers

The following are the most important details to learn whether you're buying or selling a home.

Will the agent act on my behalf?

You could believe that the real estate agent you select will solely work for you. Real estate agents aren't always required by law to exclusively represent the buyer or the seller in a transaction, though. A "transactional agent" works with both parties but has no fiduciary duty to either, while a "dual agent" represents both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction.

It's crucial to comprehend the agent's responsibilities when working with you. The Consumer Federation of America suggests requesting a written document that identifies the relationship and asking potential agents if they will only represent your interests during the entire procedure.

What qualifications and training does the agent possess?

How long has the agent worked with clients, and what credentials does the agent possess? Find a representative who has experience working with people who are similar to you.

Indy Home Pros is the #1 RE/MAX Team in Indiana, therefore if you want a reliable real estate agent who will make the transaction smooth and seamless -- whether it's buying or selling a home -- then you should work with us! 

Will the assistants or agents cooperate with me?

Agents occasionally have team members working for them as assistants. Will you collaborate with the agency or the assistants more frequently? An effective team can meet your needs well, but be sure the agent will be available to you directly enough.

How will the agent be compensated?

Real estate commissions are typically paid by the seller, and the listing agent distributes them with the buyer's agent. A real estate commission typically ranges from 5% to 6% of the sales price.

According to the Consumer Federation of America, if you are the seller, you might be able to negotiate a lower price, especially for a costly property. You, the buyer, have the right to request a refund of some or all of the buyer agent's commission.

It's worth asking even though agents might not be open to reducing their compensation.

Were recent customers happy?

Ask for references and speak with customers who have recently worked with the agent. Did they appreciate the agent's efforts? What was successful and what wasn't? How did the agent handle difficulties? To determine whether the agent is a suitable fit for you, speak with recent clients.

real estate agents looking at something

Choosing A Real Estate Agent: Buyers' Advice

Here are some things to consider when picking an agent to assist you in purchasing a house.

What difficulties will I experience as a buyer in the current market? A smart realtor will describe the availability of listed homes and the level of competition you'll face with other buyers in order to set reasonable expectations.

How can you assist me in locating listed properties in my price range? Inquire about specific instances when the agent has assisted purchasers in your shoes in the recent past. This will demonstrate how effectively the agent will meet your needs.

How will you assist me in submitting bids that are competitive with those of sellers? Find an agent who will keep you anchored to your spending limit and objectives.

Tips for sellers on how to choose a real estate agent

Here are a few things to consider when picking an agent to assist you in selling a home.

What comparable listings are there in my area? An agent should present a comparative market analysis, highlighting comparable homes that have recently sold.

Why do you believe my house is worth what you do? The greatest decision isn't usually the agent who suggests the highest price. Pick an agent who has market expertise to support the recommendation.

What can I do to make my house better? 

Depending on the local real estate market, you might need to do some repairs before you can sell your house. Keep an ear out for compelling arguments about the changes that your house needs and their potential return on investment.

How are you going to advertise my house? 

Agents will probably advise listing your home on real estate portals like  RE/MAX, Zillow and the Multiple Listing Service. Learn more about the additional marketing strategies the agent will employ, such as the use of images, video tours, and advertising. The market will determine how much marketing is necessary to sell a house. When there are more purchasers than available properties, marketing may not be as necessary.

How To Pick A Real Estate Broker

Compare the backgrounds and methods of the agents, as well as their interpersonal skills. Will you feel at ease working with this person? Select a capable agent who shares your preferred working style.

Overall, choosing a real estate agent, broker, or realtor might require time and patience; however, it's crucial, especially when you want an agent you can trust and rely on. After all, you're going to invest a huge amount in your dream home!

You've made the decision to purchase a new house, and you're looking at all the new neighborhoods in your favorite places. Perhaps you've already decided on the neighborhood where you want to reside, but you haven't signed a lease. You'll want to negotiate the greatest price for your newly built home, regardless of where you are in the home purchasing process.

But before you do that, be sure to equip yourself with enough knowledge on what happens when negotiating the price of a home.

Factors That Affect The Price Of A New Home 

When purchasing a resale home, you must engage with the seller's sentimental attachment to the property. Thankfully, new home builders don't take that attachment into account.

Builders, however, typically don't want to sell their homes for less than what they are asking because it creates a negative precedent with potential buyers. They're thinking about things like overhead and profit margins, base construction expenses, and more, so they have a target sale price in mind to recoup the effort they've invested in the house.

Tips When Negotiating The Price Of Home

1. Be Creative

You can save money on your new house in a variety of inventive ways that don't entail paying less. The builder might be ready to cover the closing costs. Additionally, you might be able to bargain for upgrades at a discount or for free.

You should also ask about the scope of lot premium costs. Lots within a certain community are frequently priced to appeal to a broad customer. You can save up money in your budget for other fees by asking the builder for more information if the lot premium turns out to be less than you anticipated.

>> MORE: How To Negotiate When Selling A Home

2. Purchase The Model Residence

The model homes in a subdivision are typically offered at a bargain and are completely furnished with the greatest upgrades. There are a few causes for this.

real estate agent talking to couple

First of all, a model home isn't a brand-new house because many people have already toured it. Second, you won't be able to choose finishes or upgrades because everything is already installed. If you like everything about the model home or if you're willing to make a few alterations after the sale, this isn't a problem. Third, because they have been used, appliance and foundation warranties won't be as long as they would be for a brand-new home.

Make sure to ask the builder whether there are spec homes—homes constructed with the intention of being sold—that have been sitting in their inventory for some time. Similar to model houses, you won't be able to choose the upgrades and finishes, but if a builder is trying to sell, there may be room to haggle over the price. 

Tip: Ask -- there's nothing wrong about asking.

3. Compare Lenders

Your builder will probably want to direct you toward their recommended lender as soon as you begin to consider financing for your new house. Check to see if you have any incentives to use that lender, but don't stop there. Do your research and educate yourself. Their lender might not be providing you with the best mortgage conditions. Consult your bank or credit union; depending on your relationship with them, they may provide attractive rates and conditions.

4. Walk Away If You Have To

Create a budget plan and stick to it. To do that, know your ideal location, price, and amenities, and in case one (or all of these) weren't met, be ready to either negotiate or walk away. Set expectations that are realistic.

Most likely, you won't be able to get a terrific price in a competitive market or short deadline. There isn't much that can be achieved from negotiation even outside of a seller's market if the neighborhood is selling quickly. Multiple bidders on a home can actually increase the final price by 3% over the initial listing price.

Due to the builder's desire to sell, homes that have been on the market for 45 days or more typically have lower prices or greater upgrading options. If you have a specific price in mind, this can be a useful approach to filter searches.

It's Not Just About The Money

It's crucial to keep in mind that negotiations for new homes involve more than just the final cost. Upgrades, mortgage conditions, and price discrepancies on an itemized list can all make your house shopping trip more enjoyable.

If you need help negotiating with a home seller or want to know how you can have your dream home, our team at RE/MAX Advanced Realty Indy Home Pros is here to help.

You may call us at 317-298-0961 or send us a message here.

You've compiled a list of all the features your ideal house should have. You spent hours looking through real estate websites and planning the perfect route for a weekend filled with showings. 

You're prepared to go into the challenging task of house hunting. There is one minor problem: you could not find a babysitter. Fear not if spending hours touring homes with your kids makes you want to give up before you even start. 

Even if it's not ideal, you can effectively go house hunting with your kids if you give it some thinking and forethought. Finding your dream house may be a memorable and joyful family effort if you use these tips on house hunting below.

Top Tips On What To Do On House Hunting With Kids

Here are the seven tips on house hunting you may need to know:

1. Plan Ahead

Pack extra clothes, toys, and snacks for your kids. Despite planning your route, you don't know what you'll encounter. You may be stuck at one house or need many rest stops. To avoid boredom, pack some toys or activities for your kids.

2. Bring A Friend

Bring a relative or friend along if you can't find a babysitter. When your friend watches your kids, you may concentrate on talking to a realtor about each house. If they get antsy throughout the day, a friend can watch them run around the house's yard instead of chasing them about the house.

3. Drive Yourself

If you're bringing kids, driving yourself and following your realtor is advisable. Many agents like to drive potential clients from one home to the next so they may discuss the residences. You won't have to transfer car seats and booster seats in your car, and your kids will feel comfortable.

4. Respect The Homeowners

Not all properties are child-friendly. You may be visiting a childless couple with many expensive antiques. Watch your kids so they don't get into the homeowner's stuff. Additionally, kids must follow the homeowner's no-shoe policy. Before entering, ask whether there are pets so you can watch the children.

kids helping parents carry boxes at new house

5. Make It Fun

House hunting with older kids is possible. Give them a paper and pen with a house-hunting checklist, and then let them check off each property you see. Let them write their house-hunting checklist about each house and discuss it while in the car on the way from one to another. They will be distracted by such a task at each house and feel like they are helping to find the ideal family home.

6. Bring Your Camera

Despite your best efforts, house hunting with kids will be distracting. Get lots of pictures of each house you visit. To keep the images arranged between each house, take a picture of the mailbox address or the realtor's information page. After touring the houses, review the images as a family and add any missed things to your house-hunting checklist.

7. Be Realistic

Realistically, your realtor and you may have planned the perfect day. Kid-related things do happen. You may need to stop for food or even a diaper change unexpectedly. Start your house hunting with a plan for longer than one day.

Need expert advice on selling or buying your home? Send us a message and we'll assist you!

Nowadays, TikTok has become the most widely used social networking platform. You can create content with this tool that is easy to watch and share with others. 

The Real Estate TikTok Trends 

If you use real estate TikTok videos on this social media platform well, you may create a community of fans who are eager to discover more about you as well as your business.

It also gives real estate agents many tools for creating and sharing helpful information. This platform doesn't require influencers to go viral. One relevant piece of content is enough to attract buyers.

Real estate agents are constantly using this platform to assist them in selling homes, as well as keep up with the real estate TikTok trends, learn new skills to generate popular real estate TikTok videos, and increase engagement.

The 5 Best Real Estate TikTok Ideas

Here are the five best real estate TikTok ideas you may need to know if your business uses real estate TikTok videos:

1. A Tiktok Video Showing A Real Estate Agent's Day

People appreciate the chance to learn more about you. You can choose from many real estate agents. Therefore real estate TikTok videos explaining why they should engage with you are amazing. Moreover, Tiktok's AI can enhance your real estate TikTok videos.

First-time homebuyers use their work and personality to make intelligent decisions. If they get to know you as a fantastic person, "agents just care about sales" will become "the trendy real estate agent who cares about teaching potential homeowners."

2. The Best Moment Of Working For A Real Estate Business

One of the most gratifying social media moments is a first-time homeowner getting their keys. So many videos are shared because they make people feel something. While buying property, don't be afraid to try new real estate TikTok ideas.

real estate agent doing video content

3. Educational Video Tours Of Homes Or Other Locations

Your listings can be turned into virtual tours by adding some taps, no matter the cost. Add real estate TikTok trends, popular music, varying speeds, and cuts to make them more dynamic. 

Lead generation can be achieved by showing only a few parts of the home or community and asking viewers to like the real estate Tiktok videos and view the following.

4. Make Informative Content That Is Readily Accessible For Your Followers

We know many questions about homebuying, so addressing them is a great way to interact with your community.

Add pictures of your most pressing and frequent questions to a video with your response. This way, your followers will know you've read their comments and be encouraged to keep talking. 

Furthermore, use hashtags to gain on real estate Tiktok trends and expand your market.

5. Realistic Stories Of A Home Investing Journey

Your followers want to learn about your business's good and bad customers. TikTok's most popular videos are people telling life stories. You offer much as a real estate agent specializing in sustainable living and quality houses.

This real estate TikTok Idea for real estate agents entertains and brings you closer to your audience while teaching new lessons regarding what to do and refrain from doing while buying a property.

Visit our website for more content like this.

In the previous post, we learned the different tools that can be used to determine your home value. Some of these include working with a realtor or an appraiser and utilizing a home value estimator. Now, we’re going to talk about the next step in case your home value went up or the other way around.

But first, let’s answer one of the most frequently asked questions: why it’s important to know your home’s value?

Knowing your home value can be important for several reasons:

Overall, knowing your home value can provide valuable information as you make decisions related to your home and your finances. It can also help you stay informed about your overall net worth and plan for your financial future.

My House's Worth Increased. Now What?

Several variables might cause the value of your home to increase. Due to a lack of inventory, home prices have recently risen nationwide. Some of the lowest mortgage rates in history have helped to drive up prices recently; however, even if rates have now gone up, prices are still high. You have a few choices and decisions to make if the value of your home has increased:

parents and kids with boxes in house

  1. You might think about selling your house. In the event that your home's value has increased significantly, you may stand to gain. But, carefully consider whether moving is truly the best time for you or your family, whether you'll be able to find a new house quickly, and how you'll pay for it before putting it on the market.
  2. You could be better equipped to make changes. If the property has more equity, you may be able to use a cash-out refinance or home equity loan to finance a renovation or remodeling project.
  3. Your homeowner’s insurance coverage may need to be modified. The price and scope of your homeowner's insurance are typically determined by the value of your house. You'll want to make sure you're completely protected if it has increased.
  4. Eliminating private mortgage insurance might enable you to make financial savings. You can ask your lender to stop charging you for private mortgage insurance (PMI) if the value of your house has increased to the point where you have at least 20% equity.

My House's Worth Decreased. Now What?

Several factors that can cause home values to go down, such as the housing market citation, the local market conditions, economic conditions, or natural disasters.

Another factor might be the home condition. The condition of a home can have a significant impact on its value. Houses that are outdated, poorly maintained, or in need of major repairs may sell for less than similar homes in better condition.

Overall, a variety of factors can cause home values to go down. It's important to keep these factors in mind when considering purchasing or selling a home and to monitor changes in the local housing market to ensure that you make informed decisions.

If your home value goes down but you still have significant equity in your home, you may be able to refinance your mortgage at a lower interest rate. This could lower your monthly mortgage payment and help you save money over the life of the loan. 

Meanwhile, if you're not able to sell your home for the price you want, you may be able to rent it out to tenants. This can help you generate income to cover your mortgage and other expenses while you wait for the housing market to improve.

If the decrease in home value is caused by home conditions, making improvements to your home can help increase its value over time. Consider making updates to your kitchen, bathrooms, or landscaping to make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

If you're unsure of how to proceed, it might be a good idea to seek advice from a real estate professional or financial advisor. They can help you evaluate your options and make the best decision for your individual circumstances.

Whatever the reason is, be patient and wait for the market to improve before selling. Keep an eye on local market trends and work with a real estate professional to determine the best time to list your home for sale.

For questions or concerns about the home value or if you need professional advice on selling your home, our team at RE/MAX Advanced Realty is here to help. Call us at 317-298-0961 or comment down below to get started.

There have been many ups and downs in the last several years. At the height of the epidemic, there was a bright spot for home sellers in the housing market: skyrocketing home prices amid brisk buyer demand.

Yet as the Federal Reserve worked to reduce inflation in 2022, mortgage interest rates crept slowly up, dampening the enthusiasm of homebuyers. Home prices consequently fell as a result of this.

Due to all of these changes, homeowners may be unsure of the current value of their house and if now is a good time to sell or use any remaining equity. Asking yourself "just how much is my house worth" is a fantastic place to start as you weigh your options.

How Much Is My Home Market Value?

Consider the following three basic types of valuation when obtaining an estimate of a home's value:

Fair Market Value

Fair market value includes how your home appears to potential home buyers when compared to similar properties nearby. A comparable home's sale price should be taken into account (same number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, or outdoor space, say). This is where your agent will begin if you choose one to help you sell your house: by examining comparable sales to determine what purchasers have been willing to pay for a home similar to yours.

Appraised Value

Although it takes comparable sales into account, the appraised value of your home is different from its fair market value. A certified appraiser takes your home's location, size, and condition into account as well as any upgrades you've made when determining appraised worth. When a borrower purchases a property or refinances a mortgage, mortgage lenders consider the appraised value.

Assessed Value

Your home's assessed value is the financial amount that local county tax assessors use to calculate your property taxes. The assessed valuation typically understates fair market value and does not accurately reflect how much a property might fetch on the open market.

How Can I Increase The Value Of My Home?

You only get one chance to create a first impression, and the value of your house is no different. In order to maximize your property value, it is crucial to make sure your home's exterior is attractive and well-maintained.

Here are some interesting topics to help improve your home’s interior and exterior:

7 Outdoor Space Design Ideas You MUST Try In 2023

4 Interior Design Trends That Have Become Popular in the Pandemic

5 More Charming Interior Designs You'll See

3 Ways To Find Out How To Determine Home Market Value

Use A Home Value Estimator

Several online resources exist that provide a rapid estimation of a home's value. These instruments, sometimes known as automated valuation models, or AVMs, provide estimates using algorithms and publicly accessible data, such as recent sales, tax assessments, and other public documents. Your estimate may change because each one employs a different technique.

Some of these include:

RE/MAX Home Value Estimator

Zillow’s Zestimate

Realtor.Com My Home

A home value estimator can be a helpful tool for anyone who wants to better understand the value of their home or a home they're interested in buying. However, it's important to remember that these estimators are not always 100% accurate and should be used as a starting point rather than a definitive answer.

couple at sofa with kids

Find A Reliable Real Estate Agent

A comparative market analysis (CMA) is generally provided to sellers without charge by real estate brokers in an effort to secure their business. The agent gathers information regarding previous sales of comps in the neighborhood to complete the CMA. 

They then evaluate the value of your property using their local knowledge and any unique features of your home. Each home a buyer wishes to make an offer on may also receive this same service from a buyer's agent.

Working with a realtor from RE/MAX Advanced Realty can give you a more accurate and comprehensive picture of your home's value, as well as provide a range of other services to help you buy or sell your home

For instance, a realtor who works in your area will have a deep understanding of the local housing market and can provide insight into how factors like location, neighborhood, and nearby amenities can affect your home's value. This knowledge can help ensure that your home is priced accurately and competitively.

If you're planning to sell your home, a realtor can help you market it effectively to potential buyers, including listing it on popular real estate websites, holding open houses, and leveraging their professional network to reach a wider audience.

They are also trained in negotiation and can help you navigate the complex process of selling your home. They can help you handle offers and counteroffers, negotiate repairs and inspection issues, and make sure the deal goes smoothly from start to finish.

Work With A Professional Appraiser

Before authorizing a loan, mortgage lenders engage appraisers to verify the worth of a residence. Although it is optional, some house sellers choose to go the extra mile and hire an appraiser. Similar to a CMA created by a real estate agent, the appraiser takes into account the property's features, such as how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has, as well as comparable sales.

Pro: Professional appraisers may offer an unbiased evaluation of a home's value and are frequently licensed or certified by the state in which they conduct business.

Con: You will be required to pay for the appraisal that the lender requires if you are applying for a mortgage. According to HomeAdvisor, an assessment typically costs approximately $350 but may cost as much as $420.

These are just a few ways about how to determine your home market value. In the next post, we’ll dive deeper into this topic and find out useful information in case your home’s value went up or down. 

What tool do you use to calculate your home value? We’d love to know your thoughts so feel free to share them below.

Thank you!

There is no doubt that the housing market is changing this season as buyer demand falls and the quantity of available houses rises. 

But, this change really offers you some special advantages when you sell real estate in Indiana. 

Here are some of the main chances you have if you list your home this fall.

Opportunity No. 1: You Have More Move Choices

The increasing number of houses for sale is one of the major stories right now. Since the beginning of the year, there has been an increase in housing inventory, largely because rising mortgage rates have reduced the peak frenzy in buyer demand. You might not know it, but that could work to your advantage.

You'll have more possibilities for your own home hunt if you're selling your house to move. This increases your likelihood of discovering a house that meets all of your requirements. As a result, if you've held off selling because you were concerned about finding a new home, be aware that your alternatives have expanded.

couple holding ipad with unboxing

Opportunity #2: There Are Very Few Homes Available On The Market

Just keep in mind that even though there are more houses on the market now than last year, the housing supply is still firmly in the sellers' market zone. 

There would need to be a six-month supply of homes to have a balanced market where there are enough homes available to keep up with the rate of buyer demand. 

In July, there was only a 3.3-month supply, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) most recent data.

While there will be more options for you to choose from while looking for a home, inventory is still limited, so if you price your house well, it will still be in demand.

Because of this, the most current NAR data also reveals that the typical property sold in July still received multiple offers and was able to be purchased in as little as 14 days.

Opportunity #3: Your Equity Has Increased Significantly

Your equity (and net worth) have probably increased significantly as a result of the market's recent home price gain.'s Chief Economist, Danielle Hale, explains:

“Homeowners trying to decide if now is the time to list their home for sale are still in a good position in many markets across the country as a decade of rising home prices gives them a substantial equity cushion.” 

Be assured that your equity can help if you've been putting off selling because you're concerned about how rising prices will affect your hunt for your next property. It can be just what you need to pay for most or perhaps all of the down payment on your subsequent home.

Bottom Line

If you're considering selling your home this year, work with a real estate agent to get the professional advice you need to act right away.

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