Tips on How to Spruce Up Your Homes to Get Ready for Sale

Posted by:
Dennis Nottingham
April 25, 2014
3 minutes, 53 seconds

Are you considering selling your home? A good real estate agent or broker like realtor Dennis would be of help especially if you are not familiar about the tedious and meticulous process. A house that is up for sale for a long time tends to suffer from declining valuation. Thus, any seller should aim to sell the property as soon as possible after putting it up for sale.

Before aiming to make the property up for sale, make sure it is all spruced up. Doing so would not only help instantly attract possible buyers or investors. It could also possibly bolster valuation. Here are some tips from Indianapolis Realtor Dennis.

Improve curb appeal

First impressions last. To create a good and lasting first impression to potential buyers, there is a need to work on the property’s curb appeal. The house should look not just presentable but also spectacular and attractive from the outside. It would help if the paint and aesthetic appeal of the exterior would be maintained or bolstered.

The lawn should be properly mowed. A small garden with beautiful ornamental plants could definitely add appeal to the curb. Lastly, keeping the front of the house well maintained and clean at all times would surely make any prospective buyer instantly consider checking out the home for sale.

Don’t neglect smell factor

It is always advisable to give any potential buyer a good experience when inspecting the homes. Don’t just target the sense of sight. Many home sellers often miss taking care of the smell and lose the promising opportunity to close a deal with a good prospective buyer.

One effective strategy is to make the house smell homey and relaxing. Thus, it is ideal to light scented candles and simmering oils before and during a scheduled home inspection. Some sellers attest that baking cookies during a scheduled visit of a possible buyer helps because the enticing smell invokes a homey and delightful atmosphere.

But some potential buyers might also know these tricks. That is why they inspect the particular area of the house where smell could not be altered just to please the senses temporarily. That would have to be the bathroom. To eliminate bad odor, keeping it clean at all times would be effective.

Boost overall online appeal

When the house is all set for inspection from possible buyers, make sure to take good photographs of it. Do so more especially when the images have to be posted online at various real estate listings. This way, it would be easier to instantly attract prospective buyers and investors to come and check it out.

Indianapolis realtor Dennis would be most helpful in this regard. He would suggest and impose more pointers to take and publish enticing and really persuasive photographs of properties. 

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