How To Transform Your Home On A Budget

Posted by:
Dennis Nottingham
October 21, 2022
4 minutes, 13 seconds

Any plans this weekend?

If none, why not do something you want to do but have been dreading to accomplish for the past few weeks -- doing a home transformation.

You may allot this weekend for small changes, such as gathering dust in every corner, changing the curtains you vowed to replace every other Saturday, and planting greens you haven't potted. 

Whether it's a small task or not, here are some cheap ways to transform your home:


Want to make it fun? Be bold!

Choose a color based on your mood and head over to the nearest hardware store and buy it or have it mixed. Don't forget some brushes, too.

If you want to be less impulsive, quickly look for inspiration online. The idea is to avoid putting this thought on the back burner again. 

Going back, get your room ready to be painted. Turn on your favorite playlist and start working. You'll have painted one wall and transformed the entire area by the end of the day. 

The next day, use it to appreciate your brand-new space and put all your items back in their place.

Otherwise, you can re-organize and give the room a total transformation.


Plants breathe life into space -- literally. If you pick the appropriate plants, they can live practically anywhere. Plus, they're always aesthetically pleasing, with their vibrant colors of green or even other hues.

It will be more fun to spend time at home just taking care of a plant. Find your plants and bring them home. 

Wondering what to get? Here are some indoor plants for beginners:

  • Snake Plant
  • Peace Lily
  • Aloe Vera
  • ZZ Plant
  • Rhapis Excelsa or Lady Palm


Add cushions everywhere, or at least in some locations -- on your couch, floor, bed, or anywhere you fancy.

Cushions are not only functional, but they are also stylish. They give color, texture, and dimension to a room and not to mention, diversity, making each day a visual feast.


How many times have you thought about moving furniture from one place to another?

Perhaps, a lot??

Whether it's often or once in a while, moving some furniture is one of the easy ways to transform your home. It's free, to be exact.

Change anything you want, including the placement of your sofas, lights, and desk. Even though these adjustments may seem tiny, occasionally rearrange your furniture for a new viewpoint to break up the monotony of a fixed atmosphere.


Playing with the lighting allows you to have dimmer options, especially after sunset.

It's a good idea since your house might be constantly bright during the day. Having dimmer options allow your eyes to take a break from the stimulus of screen light and daylight.

Do you have other ideas on how to transform your home on a budget? 

If yes, feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. 

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