The housing market currently differs from the market that existed only a few months ago. And if you're considering selling your home now, you might be wondering about the sorts of adjustments necessary based on the current situation. 

The solution is not complicated. Spending the time and effort upfront to prep your home correctly and develop a sound plan can help bring the highest return possible on your investment. 

So, how are you going to do this? What should you do to prepare your home for sale this fall season?

In this post, we'll give you tips and tricks on how to increase your chances of selling your Indiana home this autumn.

How To Prep Your Home For Sale?

Below are some easy pointers to prep your home and ensure you get the most money possible from selling them this fall:

1. Keep Your Home Clean

Provide proper attention and care to your home by keeping it clean and clutter-free.

Inspect any areas requiring your attention before potential buyers enter your space. Do the dishes, make the beds, and clean up any clutter that you can find. 

Taking these easy steps can lessen potential customers' likelihood of being distracted. This list is not intended to replace the expertise of a real estate professional, but it might serve as a helpful springboard.

2. Setting The Right Price

Your home's asking price will be one of the first things potential buyers look at. This is because the pricing gives information to those shopping for homes. 

Putting your house on the market with an asking price that is excessively high could prevent potential buyers from considering making an offer. 

On the other hand, setting the price of your home too low may give potential buyers the impression that there is a significant defect or problem with the property. When you set the price of your home, your primary objective should be to attract the attention of potential buyers and encourage them to make an offer. 

Putting a price on your home is not a game of guess and check. It requires a certain level of competence and skill to ensure that you are setting the right rate. 

For this, we recommend you consult a reliable real estate advisor to consider your home's current market worth.

first time home buyers with realtor at the back

3. Make Your Buyers Feel At Home

Buyers are responsible for thoroughly considering all possible outcomes before purchasing your home. The first step in making your space look more like a blank canvas is to eliminate any sentimental artifacts you may have, such as pictures, awards, and other personal mementos. 

It is also an excellent idea to eliminate unnecessary furniture to make the rooms look larger and ensure sufficient space for prospective buyers to stand and assess the property's layout while on tours.

If you're not certain which items should remain or be removed from your home, you may check the following resources for more tips:

Otherwise, you can seek help from a real estate agent. Although they come with a fee, these professionals are packed with skills and experience to help your home sell success.

And if you're looking for reliable real estate agents in Indiana, our team at Indy Home Pros is here to help! Leave a comment below or call us at 317-316-8224 to get started.


Selling a home successfully involves preparation, knowledge, and experience. If you are selling your home for the first time, it is best to seek help from a professional real estate agent.

Not only can they provide the best tips and tricks on how to sell your home this autumn but also, they can also help your property reach a wider market for faster sale.

Getting your house ready to sell can create all types of stress and anxiety. If you’re like most sellers who are nervous and don’t know how to prepare, the right approach can attract the right buyers so you can have the best deal price possible for your home. 

Selling your home can consume you a lot of time and can be overwhelming. Making your home ready can increase your chance of getting a solid offer from a buyer. Follow these must-do steps and have your home ready for the market.

Prepare With A Seller’s Mind

The first step is to put yourself in a seller's shoes. Research the value of your home. You can gather a few pieces of financial information. Having the knowledge and idea about your estimated payoff amount on your current mortgage including your remaining balance, and interest can give you an idea of potential profit as you set your listing price.

You can do comparable sales of similar homes you have in your neighborhood, compare them, and figure out your appropriate listing price. You can also have an Indiana real estate agent and have your home CMA. The documents will then be compared to your home and the recently closed sales in the market to know and determine its list price. Look closely at this data. Pay close attention to various details such as square footage, location, and features. 

Find a Listing Agent

List a professional Indiana real estate agent to list your home. Finding a listing agent can minimize your stress and maximize your profit. You can interview a listing agent and ask about their experiences around your location. You can determine if the agent is the right fit by asking them some questions, such as how much experience do they have, percentage of listing they can sell, and the plans on how to market your home.

They can guide you through the process and manage selling tasks, like social media expertise, marketing, pre-listing, and negotiating that can help you sell your house. A good real estate agent can give you advice on how you can aesthetically get your home ready for the market. 

Make Minor Repairs, Declutter, and Stage

First impressions are everything. Your home must be properly staged when people have walked through. You want your home to be clean for potential buyers. Give your house a thorough cleaning, especially odors and stains. You don’t want any weird odor or stain to hinder you from having potential buyers.  

You can also hire a professional cleaner to clean. It's relatively inexpensive and will consult you on the best way to lay out your space. This may be the easiest way, plus you won’t stress yourself from doing the physical labor. 

real estate agent with home seller

Potential buyers want to imagine and envision themselves in the home. Remove all personalized decor and family photos to create a space that will look like a new home to help them imagine the house as their own. Once you have everything removed, decluttered, and depersonalized, you can ready your home to stage and have the perfect shot. 

Getting a pre-sale home inspection is one of the investments you can make to have your home ready for buyers. They will want to know if anything has been fixed or needs fixing. 

Buyers will have an idea and help alleviate any concerns. Any issues that the home inspector found can be addressed before putting it on the market. This can also make you at peace as you don’t need to worry if you run into any nasty surprises while in the middle of selling your home. 

Of course, when you look for a house, imagine yourself in it. It helps when you see everything fully furnished. Same when you want to sell your house, staging your home can help in selling your house faster and get you more money. 

The good news is that decorating your home’s interior can be easy and affordable. A home with furniture is easier to imagine than a blank slate. Making your home’s curb appeal from the living room to the dining and every room in the house.  

Start on the outside of the home as buyers will have a first look at it before they enter your house. Make sure that the grass is cut and well maintained and everything has been removed (e.g., children's toys and playhouse). You can also apply a new set of paint on your exterior walls if needed.  

Make Your Home Photo Ready

When you decide to sell your house, you include photos to attract buyers to look for it personally. Uploading a high-quality photo can be a key to getting their attention, especially if the home is already staged and ready for photos. 

You can do it yourself if you want to, with the right angle and lighting you can make a perfect shot for your home. 

You can also hire a professional to take a photo of your home since they are more skilled in taking better shots they can make your home look good as it is personally. 

The best time to sell a house is considered to be the month of May – homes tend to sell faster during this month. Still, it will depend on you on what’s the best time for it to sell and may consider different factors. If you’ve decided to sell your home, start preparing it right away. Make a list, set an estimated timeline, complete any necessary improvements, and get your home ready to sell.

Deciding to sell your home is one thing; getting it ready for potential buyers is another.

As the seller, you need to take care of the cosmetic fixes that will make your home more appealing to your buyer. Once you finally have a buyer and have accepted the negotiated price, the deal is almost close... or is it. In reality, this is not where it usually ends.

Before saying goodbye to your property, your next focus should be on the best way to prepare for a home inspection. 

In a real estate transaction, the home inspection occurs after the buyer and the seller signed the purchase agreement. Many buyers insist on inspecting the home, so we recommend hiring an inspector before even posting your home for sale in Indianapolis. This will let you see, inspect, fix, and make changes ahead of time to avoid the stress and possible loss of sales due to unforeseen problems. Also as a seller, you want to make your home pleasing to your buyer. 

During a home inspection, the property is examined from top to bottom. This means that every roof, foundation, wall, electrical, HVAC system, and plumbing is being evaluated. They will also check for termites, molds, mildew, leaks, and other signs of damage. So, preparing the house for a home inspection will help you ensure it goes smoothly. 

Cleaning Your House

A thorough and deep cleaning is a must. Make sure to see all the nooks and crannies in your home. Clean your countertops and remove any furniture that is on the way. While you're at it, grab the opportunity to declutter the items you won't need anymore and separate them from stuff you will keep. 

Keep everything clean and tidy, making plenty of room in your home. 

Maintain this kind of cleanliness for the home inspector. How you clean your home may not play a big role in the inspection, but a dirty or messy house may make the inspector suspicious that other areas of the property aren't properly taken care of either.

Make Space For Rooms That Needs Checking

You want to make sure that the home inspector will have easy access throughout the property. Having difficulty in the areas that need checking or inspecting will leave a problem and an impression on the buyers. 

Clear away any clutter on the way that the inspector will need to take a look at like the attics, basements, sinks, heaters, furnace, and other areas that need to be checked. 

Furthermore, the inspector will also be going to check the exterior, including caulking around the windows and doors. Leave the areas around your home free from any blockage like storage items and trash so they will not be obstructed. You can also trim trees and bushes and make your home exterior as clean and tidy as the inside. Don't forget to supply keys for any electricity boxes or sheds that may be required. 

Keeping Utilities On

Make sure that when the inspector visits, all the utilities are on. Keep them running as you want to make sure that everything is ok, including electrical components, plumbing, and gas. Sometimes this is a mis-overlook that causes delay during an inspection.  

Make Sure Your Toilets Are Functioning Properly

Check for toilet flush. When you deal with a problem daily, it becomes simple to ignore it, but you don't want the house inspector to discover it. Take care of the issue before the inspection because fixing a running toilet is a quick and inexpensive fix that you can do on your own with a quick trip to the hardware store.

male plumber fixinng faucet in bathroom

Replacing Everything That Needs Changing

Light Bulbs

Flip all the switches and check safety features. A blown bulb can mean one of two things to a home inspector: either the bulb is broken or there is a problem with the wiring of the fixture. Either the inspector will have to spend time evaluating whether a fixture is inoperative, or they will simply record that a potential fault exists without further investigation. By making sure that all of your bulbs are in good operating order, change the bulbs so you can prevent both of these situations. 

Cabinets And Doors

Take a tour or walk through your house and check each door and cabinet if it's still working properly. Hinges in the cabinet are easy to get loose. These can result in cabinets not closing properly and will not match the frame. You can avoid these by tightening the screw in the hinges with a screwdriver.

For doors, check the interior and exterior doors if it still fits or latches properly into the frame. Locks and door knobs should also be checked and should be securely in place, specifically doors outside for security purposes. 

Breaker Box

A confusing box is frustrating especially if the inspector is the one to see it. Check for the breaker box and make sure that all the switches in the box are labeled correctly and clearly and replace labels that are incorrect or are difficult to read.


Test for appliances and water fixtures for possible leaky faucets and replace them with new ones. Take time to also check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors so you could replace the battery when needed. 

Furnace Filter

Replacing your furnace filter regularly is important to keep the air quality and overall function of your heating system. By doing this it will lessen the things that the inspector needs to check. You can also replace the existing filter to show that you always pay attention to it.  

Fire Extinguisher

Lastly, if you have fire extinguishers, make sure that the expiration dates are not out of date hence, replace them with new fire extinguishers. 

Be Prepared  

You should be ready for questions the home inspector might ask particularly things you didn't think of. By the day of the home inspection, you should have done everything you can to prepare and make sure that everything will go smoothly. At least an hour or two before the scheduled inspection make quick rounds on the house ensuring that all the utilities are on, double checking areas that need clear access and systems all around the house, and unlock any gates, electrical boxes, or other areas that you normally keep secure.

Not all buyers expect perfection. Relax and calmly do what needs to be done. Like you, they just wanted to make sure that the place they will purchase will not have any problems or heavy burdens to take. A few issues won't hurt. Most of all if there would be any issues you would be the first to know as you have already checked everything before the visit.

There is no doubt that the housing market is changing this season as buyer demand falls and the quantity of available houses rises. 

But, this change really offers you some special advantages when you sell real estate in Indiana. 

Here are some of the main chances you have if you list your home this fall.

Opportunity No. 1: You Have More Move Choices

The increasing number of houses for sale is one of the major stories right now. Since the beginning of the year, there has been an increase in housing inventory, largely because rising mortgage rates have reduced the peak frenzy in buyer demand. You might not know it, but that could work to your advantage.

You'll have more possibilities for your own home hunt if you're selling your house to move. This increases your likelihood of discovering a house that meets all of your requirements. As a result, if you've held off selling because you were concerned about finding a new home, be aware that your alternatives have expanded.

couple holding ipad with unboxing

Opportunity #2: There Are Very Few Homes Available On The Market

Just keep in mind that even though there are more houses on the market now than last year, the housing supply is still firmly in the sellers' market zone. 

There would need to be a six-month supply of homes to have a balanced market where there are enough homes available to keep up with the rate of buyer demand. 

In July, there was only a 3.3-month supply, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) most recent data.

While there will be more options for you to choose from while looking for a home, inventory is still limited, so if you price your house well, it will still be in demand.

Because of this, the most current NAR data also reveals that the typical property sold in July still received multiple offers and was able to be purchased in as little as 14 days.

Opportunity #3: Your Equity Has Increased Significantly

Your equity (and net worth) have probably increased significantly as a result of the market's recent home price gain.'s Chief Economist, Danielle Hale, explains:

“Homeowners trying to decide if now is the time to list their home for sale are still in a good position in many markets across the country as a decade of rising home prices gives them a substantial equity cushion.” 

Be assured that your equity can help if you've been putting off selling because you're concerned about how rising prices will affect your hunt for your next property. It can be just what you need to pay for most or perhaps all of the down payment on your subsequent home.

Bottom Line

If you're considering selling your home this year, work with a real estate agent to get the professional advice you need to act right away.

Before you sell your home there are a few things you need to tackle to ensure you get the most for your offer and sell with your home in quick time. In this article, we are bringing your 5 things every homeowner needs to do before they sell their home.

1. Increase Curb Appeal

Increasing curb appeal will help draw potential buyers into your yard. Increasing curb appeals means increasing the overall exterior aesthetics of your property. This attracts potential buyers to stop and take a look at your home and hopefully they find enough interest in it to buy it. Ways to increase your home’s curb appeal include painting your front door a bold color, having nice outdoor furniture, power washing the exterior and cleaning the gutters, planting flowers, laying a new front door placemat down, ensuring your lawn is well maintained and much more. People like to keep things such as these in tip top shape because these are things that potential buyers come in contact with first and will be their first impression on a home.

2. Depersonalize the Home

It is crucial that potential buyers are able to visualize themselves in the home during showings. In order to achieve this, homeowners must take down personal photos or any other decor that showcases the life of the current homeowners. This turns the home into a blank canvas, allowing those viewing the home to visualize their life in this new space, which makes them more willing to put an offer in on the home, granted the visual experience is a good one.

3. Fix Damaged Hardware

Ensure that any major home repairs are taken care of to increase the chances of a speedy sale and to ensure the next homeowners are in a safe environment. Key spots to ensure are in good condition include the heating system, a leaky roof, structural issues, loose wiring etc. It’s important to tackle these areas of the home if they pose any issues. Fixing these issues can make an enormous difference in the value of a property and how quickly it sells.

4. Keep the Lawn Well Groomed

A freshly maintained lawn is an eye-catcher for neighbors and those simply passing by. Keeping your lawn well groomed is a great way to increase a home’s curb appeal, as it’s one of the first things those passing by make eye contact with. Be sure to keep your grass hydrated, especially on hot days, nourished, cut, and weed free. Feel free to also plant a few flowers. Flowers also serve as another way to increase curb appeal, it’s bright colors and beauty serving as another way to bring attention towards a home.

5. Hire a RE/MAX Agent

It is crucial that you hire an agent who is a true professional in the field. Get connected with a RE/MAX agent to have a professional guide you in the process of how to sell or buy a home. Our agents will make the process smooth and will be with you every step of the way!

Planning to sell your home but don't know how to get started? If yes, then you're in the right place!

In this post, you can learn how you can sell your home like a pro.

6 Steps To Selling Your Home

Prepare Your Home To Sell

Acknowledge that all markets are different.  What may be a Seller's Market in Indianapolis may be a Buyer's Market in Fort Wayne.  Each market is different.  Look at homes that have sold in your area.  Get a feel of market times.  Check various resources such as or for sold information.   We recommend getting a home inspection completed prior to listing your home for sale.  This will prepare you for any issues that may arise or scare buyers off prior to listing your home.  Clean up and clean out!  This is one of the most important things to do.  Get rid of all that clutter!  If you haven't used it or touched it in 6 months then it needs to go!  We recommend hiring a home staging expert to get your home organized and ready for market.

Devise A Marketing Plan

Realtor or No Realtor - Sit down and decide which is best for your situation.  Some sellers like the "doing the grunt work" approach to selling a home.  Some sellers may be experienced in home sales and can do it all on their own.   Statistics show that Realtors net home sellers up to 10% more than going at it on their own.  Items to consider when considering selling your home are:  Title work, Appraisals, Contracts, Disclosures, and Marketing!  Selling a home can be a daunting task these days.  The days of putting a sign in the yard and advertising in the newspaper are long gone.  

Determining A List Price

If you plan to sell your home FSBO (For Sale by Owner) without using a Realtor this could be another task.  Many home sellers base their homes value on the tax assessed value.  This can be good or bad.  We see many times that the assessed values are much lower than what the market value is.  We also see that assessed values can be much higher than what is market value.  One recommendation is to get a current home appraisal on your home.   If you choose to hire a Realtor they will have all the data available to them to provide to you as the seller on what fair market value may be or often times referred to as (FMV).  Your Realtor should be able to show you data form existing homes sales from the last 6 months that will outline the best pricing strategy you should take.  Do not overprice your home - this will cause market times to increase and will ultimately cause you to sell your home for less.  When homes sit on the market for too long most buyers have the perception that the home has "issues" and this may cause your values to decrease.  

Market Your Home for Maximum Exposure and Syndication

We recommend interviewing 3 agents from different companies.  Look for an agent that takes an aggressive approach to listing your home.  Hiring a full-time sales associate that has local experience is key.  In today's marketplace agents and brokers should show you how to leverage internet exposure and syndication.  With over 95% of all home buyers finding their dream home online, internet syndication and marketing is a must.  Agents should be familiar with social media outlets and internet lead conversions.  

buying a real estate agreement

Negotiate An Offer To Purchase

Ok, so you have chosen your Realtor and now you have an offer to purchase.  What do you do?  If you are working with a Real Estate Professional that professional should be able to guide you through the whole process.  They will present the offer to you, prepare counter offers, schedule inspections and appraisals, coordinate and order title searches and coordinate the closing process.  They should act a as sounding board for all your questions, needs, or concerns.  

Planning Your Move

This is where the fun begins.  You may feel relieved or you may feel that your world is caving in on you!  Hopefully when preparing your home for sale you got rid of all that stuff you really didn't need, in return this should allow for a smoother moving process.  Your Realtor should be able to provide a few recommendations of local movers that can assist.  Moving can be a daunting task but planned well it can be a smooth process.  During negotiations you may have closed a few days prior to moving.  Keep in mind that the new buyers will be excited and eager to move into their new home.  We always recommend to our clients to be sure to not leave anything behind and give it a good cleaning for the new homeowners.  It always is better to "pay it forward".   

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