McCordsville Indiana Real Estate

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The Community Vision, as outlined on their website is:

  • Guided commercial development and unique
  • Residential opportunities with valued
  • Open spaces and
  • Well-managed community services and amenities
  • That compliment a
  • Healthy local economy


Schools in McCordsville are part of the Mount Vernon Community School Corporation. For parents looking for something different in their child's education, there is also the Geist Montessori Academy which is a public charter school.

Homes in McCordsville are almost exclusively single-family dwellings. There are some gorgeous luxury homes available at very reasonable prices, some of which are brand new custom built homes. Homes in McCordsville range in price from about $90,000 to over $1 million.

Need more information about Indiana homes?

Dennis Nottingham & the Indy Home Pros Team can help you buy or sell a house in the Indianapolis area. Create a custom home search to find more properties for sale in this area, or contact us online or by phone at 317.298.0961 for a free consultation.

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Need more information about Indiana homes?

Dennis Nottingham & the Indy Home Pros Team can help you buy or sell a house in the Indianapolis area. Create a custom home search to find more properties for sale in this area, or contact us online or by phone at 317.298.0961 for a free consultation.

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