A Surge May Be on the Rise - 5 Key Methods to Keep Your Space Disinfected

Posted by:
Dennis Nottingham
August 17, 2021
7 minutes, 18 seconds

With various end-of-summer events approaching and many countries returning back to their familiar lifestyles, studies are showing a rise in COVID cases. In this article we are bringing you 5 key methods to keep your home disinfected and safe during these times. Please be sure to practice proper safety guidelines such as proper social distancing, educating yourself on the importance of vaccines, wearing a mask and keeping your hands clean.

1. Disinfect High Touch Surfaces and Objects

It’s no secret that high touch surfaces harbor our daily weight of bacteria spread. High touch surfaces are surfaces or objects we come in contact with every day, multiple times a day. We touch these items and surfaces with uncleased hands and cough or sneeze near these areas frequently. Our reoccurring time with these areas unfortunately makes them easy targets for an overload of bacteria, germs and viral matter. A foundational solution to keeping a home disinfected is to disinfect these high touch surfaces. High touch surfaces include our car and house keys, the TV remote, handles, light switches, counters and tables, and our electronic devices (mobile phone, keyboard, etc). Keeping these surfaces free of germs will stop them in their tracks from spreading about the rest of the home. It will also be a great defense against spreading these germs to sensitive areas of our bodies such as our eyes, nose and mouth.

2. Limit Who and How Many People Enter Your Home

It is critical that you limit who and how many people are allowed into your space. During these times, we can’t be sure of the health status of everyone we confront. Even those who appear to be well in health can be asymptomatic or showing no signs of a current illness. After putting in so much effort to make the home a clean and safe space, the last thing we want to do is jeopardize our hard work by not being careful in who we allow into our home. It’s important you put your foot down to those who are unvaccinated and/or non-mask wearers by denying them access into your home. Regulating who enters your home keeps bacteria, germs and viral matter at bay and protects the health of you and your family members. Be sure to avoid maintenance appointments if possible, and tell your unvaccinated and/or non-mask wearing friends and family members to come back once they meet proper safety guidelines regarding their health.

3. Keep Your Hands Clean

In many households, having anyone, especially the children, touch the walls is a big no no. Why is this? It is so because when our hands meet the walls, we spread dirt onto the walls, ruining the flawless coat of paint that adorns the walls of our precious home. Even though we may not see what we are spreading, we spread germs to various areas of the home the same way, by touching them with unclean hands. To avoid contaminating our home with dirt and germs, it is vital to keep our hands clean. Find an effective antibacterial hand soap that will properly cleanse the hands without stripping them dry. Be sure to wash for 20 to 30 seconds, getting your palms, fingers, under the fingernails, backs of the hand and wash up to your wrist. This is also another powerfully effective way to avoid spreading germs to sensitive areas of the body such as our eyes, nose and mouth.

4. Keep Your Laundry in Check

As we spend the day outside our homes at the grocery store or at work, our clothes are caught up in a storm of dirt, germs and debris flying around the air. This matter can stick to our clothes and sneak their way into our homes. To further avoid spreading dirt, germs and debris, be sure to keep up with your laundry properly, especially during these times. The last thing we would want is to spread these things to sensitive areas of our bodies by, for example, rubbing our eyes with the sleeves of our shirt or jacket that was resting on a public table in which a possibly infected person was sneezing or coughing onto. During the pandemic, companies have come out with antibacterial spray for clothing to help to prevent these germs from clinging onto our clothes to help keep us safe. Be sure to also be extra mindful of your bedding and change your pillowcases regularly, especially if you rest at night with a partner.

5. Shower Before Roaming Your Home

Showering before you roam the halls of your home is a great way to knock two birds with one stone. Showering before exploring your home allows you to wash your hands, feet and to dispose of clothing worn outside in one go. This preps you to be squeaky clean for your home and further prevents the spreading of germs via the hands, feet or from bacteria or debris that may have clung to your clothes and snuck into your home without you knowing. You never want to relax on the couch or in your bed with an unclean body or clothes that have been exposed to the outdoors. Showering allows you to get comfortable and clean before you explore and relax around the precious space that is your home.

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